Wilmington, DE 8/14/2024
4C Digital Health (4C), the preeminent organization delivering independent financial oversight and control solutions for self-funded employee health plans, recently announced the strategic expansion of its services into the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In late 2023, 4C successfully competed for an initial award issued by Kentucky’s Department of Employee Insurance, and Kentucky has since extended the initial contract to allow 4C to continue its important work on behalf of the Commonwealth, its employees, and its taxpayers.
The Kentucky Employee Health Plan (KEHP) serves more than 288,000 members, which amounts to 1 in 16 Kentuckians. In addition, KEHP spends over $1.8 billion dollars in total healthcare benefits on behalf of its members per year and covers over 8.2 million claims per year. KEHP objectives include “improving employee health and well-being” and “providing state-of-the-art benefits while maintaining reasonable premiums.”
Recognizing its important fiduciary responsibilities to its employees and its state health plan, the Commonwealth of Kentucky enacted Senate Bill 42 (2023) introduced by Senator Stephen Meredith for the purpose of ensuring that critical health plan dollars are being spent properly on behalf of state employees. The legislation requires that 4C analyze 100% of medical claims submitted for payment to KEHP; identify erroneous overpayments; and identify inappropriate or erroneous fees imposed by KEHP’s third-party administrator.
"4C Digital Health is grateful to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for recognizing the fiduciary responsibility that state and local governments have to their employee health plans and for the opportunity to provide our services in support of this mission. We appreciate Kentucky’s goal of using 4C’s expertise and innovative solutions to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce healthcare costs for the Commonwealth, its employees, and its taxpayers." – Ron Templeton, CEO
About 4C Digital Health:
4C Digital Health (https://www.4cdigitalhealth.com/) is a healthcare data analytics company that was founded for the purpose of developing a disruptive technology targeted at bringing transparency and honesty to the healthcare marketplace.